gsap.to(window, Īnd that’s it! You can even customize it to scroll horizontally or maybe support scrolling inside specific elements but for the sake of clarity we are not showing it here. If you are already using gsap in your project, then you should definitely be using the scrollToPlugin. Smoothly scroll the page to a specified point within the document, with configurable duration and optional easing effects. It’s quite common to see a button that would scroll the view to a specific element after clicking on it.
Smoothscroll js free#
Well I try to keep my first blog post very simple, feel free to comment/ask any of your doubts.Harry Programmer and the philosopher’s scroll

So in the end I am calling the same method again and again until my runtime increases the duration, so I gonna stop there. so current position + ( - end elem position) will take us to top then. It means if we are want to go above our view port ( or browser screen), then we are getting a negative top value. when you click on a link in one page, if the link leads to an anchor in another page, this will will load the new page on the top and smooth scroll down to. well if you know element.getBoundingClientRect() well, we are getting the respective values for top,bottom,left,right to our current view port. But we are simply adding current position, what if we want to go to the top from bottom ? Ans.

Smoothscroll js code#
jtangelder / SmoothScroll.js Forked from gblazex/SmoothScroll.js Created 8 years ago Star 3 Fork 2 Code Revisions 6 Stars 3 Forks 2 Raw SmoothScroll.js // SmoothScroll for websites v1.2.1 // Licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Remember the line I asked to ignore for the moment, you can recheck SmoothScroll.js GitHub Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Well it can be can be due to several reasons like getting a progress bar, or in this case I am using that progress to get EaseInCubic Effect. Why we need that Factor (runtime/duration) ? Ans. We check now if the runtime is less than the actual duration it should run, we gonna recall the animation method, until we reaches the target element with given duration. So next we gonna divide the total time our code has already run by the total desired duration to get a factor out of it. This function can be declared for smooth scroll in JS in two ways: window.scrollTo (x-coord, y-coord) window.scrollTo (options) The x-coord parameter defines the pixel value in the horizontal direction to which the page needs to be scrolled. So what we do is check the runtime by subtracting the current time stamp from the start timeStamp (which helps us to get the runtime). So our scrollToElem method takes 5 arguments namely startTime ( starting time stamp), currentTime ( current timeStamp), duration (to which our animation should run), scrollEndElemTop (target element top position), startScrollOffset(starting scroll position). I gonna keep it real simple and quick ) nav, div For the styles, oh well you can do whatever fancy stuff you like ). One two three four Five Six …… lots of text …. You can make any number of sections you like I will go with just 6 sections with lots of text in it, along with a simple nav bar.
Smoothscroll js how to#
This tutorial show you how to use some popular jQuery. First of all lets add some markup for our sample page. Smooth scrolling using jQuery - Sort and simple script to implement smooth scroll to div using jQuery.